- Ye, Bull, Li, Birman, Daigle, Tasic, Zeng, Steinmetz
"Brain-wide topographic coordination of traveling spiral waves"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Ye*, Shelton*, Shaker, Boussard, Colonell, ..., Mora Lopez, Dutta, Paninski, Siegle, Koch, Olsen, Harris, Steinmetz
"Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type specificity of brain recordings"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Birman, Yang, West, Karsh, Browning, The International Brain Laboratory, Siegle, Steinmetz
"Pinpoint: trajectory planning for multi-probe electrophysiology and injections in an interactive web-based 3D environment"
eLife [Reviewed Preprint]
  - Findling, Hubert, The International Brain Laboratory, ..., Birman, Roth, Steinmetz, et al.
"Brain-wide representations of prior information in mouse decision-making"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - The International Brain Laboratory, ..., Birman, Roth, Steinmetz, et al.
"A brain-wide map of neural activity during complex behaviour"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Ottenheimer*, Hjort*, Bowen*, Steinmetz^, Stuber^
"A stable, distributed code for cue value in mouse cortex during reward learning"
  - Song, Shin, Seo, Soltani, Steinmetz, Lee, Jung, Paik
"Hierarchical gradient of timescales in the mammalian forebrain"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Zhang, He, Boussard, Windolf, Winter, Trautmann, Roth, Barrell, Churchland, Steinmetz, IBL, Varol, Hurwitz, Paninski
"Bypassing spike sorting: Density-based decoding using spike localization from dense multielectrode probes"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Windolf, ..., Ye, Shaker, Steinmetz, ..., Paninski, Varol
"DREDge: robust motion correction for high-density extracellular recordings across species"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Zeraati, Shi, Steinmetz, Gieselmann, Thiele, Moore, Levina, Engel
"Intrinsic timescales in the visual cortex change with selective attention and reflect spatial connectivity"
Nature Communications
  - The International Brain Laboratory, ..., Steinmetz, et al.
"Data architecture for a large-scale neuroscience collaboration"
Nature Methods
- Recanatesi, Bradde, Balasubramaniam^, Steinmetz^, Shea-Brown^
"A scale-dependent measure of system dimensionality"
  - The International Brain Laboratory, ..., Churchland^, Paninski^, Steinmetz^, et al.
"Reproducibility of in-vivo electrophysiological measurements in mice"
bioRxiv [Preprint]
  - Zagha, Ehrlich, Lee, Lur, O'Connor, Steinmetz, Stringer, Yang
"The importance of accounting for movement when relating neuronal activity to sensory and cognitive processes"
Journal of Neuroscience [Review]
  - Shi, Steinmetz, Moore, Boahen, Engel
"Cortical state dynamics and selective attention define the spatial pattern of correlated variability in neocortex"
Nature Communications
- Steinmetz*, Aydin*, Lebedeva*, Okun*, Pachitariu*, et al.
"Neuropixels 2.0: A miniaturized high-density probe for stable, long-term brain recordings" // [PDF]
  - Zatka-Haas*, Steinmetz*, Carandini, Harris
"Sensory coding and the causal impact of mouse cortex in a visual decision" // [PDF]
  - Peters, Fabre, Steinmetz, Harris, Carandini
"Striatal activity topographically reflects cortical activity" // [PDF]
  - Van Kempen, Gieselmann, Boyd, Steinmetz, Moore, Engel, Thiele
"Top-down coordination of local cortical state during selective attention"
  - Petersen, Siegle, Steinmetz, Mahallati, Buzsáki
"CellExplorer: A framework for visualizing and characterizing single neurons"
  - Benjamin, Steinmetz, Oza, Aguayo, Boahen
"Neurogrid simulates cortical cell-types, active dendrites, and top-down attention"
Neuromorphic Comp. and Eng.
  - Linden, Tabuena, Steinmetz, Moody, Brunton S, Brunton B
"Go with the FLOW: Visualizing spatiotemporal dynamics in optical widefield calcium imaging"
J. of the Royal Society Interface
- Schroeder, Steinmetz, Krumin, Pachitariu, Rizzi, Lagnado, Harris, Carandini
"Arousal modulates retinal output" // [PDF]
  - Jacobs, Steinmetz, Peters, Carandini, Harris
"Cortical state fluctuations during sensory decision making"
Current Biology
- Steinmetz, Zatka-Haas, Carandini, Harris
"Distributed coding of choice, action, and engagement across the mouse brain" // [PDF]
  - Stringer*, Pachitariu*, Steinmetz, Carandini, Harris
"High-dimensional geometry of population responses in visual cortex" // [PDF]
  - Stringer*, Pachitariu*, Steinmetz, Reddy, Carandini, Harris
"Spontaneous behaviors drive multidimensional, brain-wide population activity" // [PDF]
  - Engel, Steinmetz
"New perspectives on dimensionality and variability from large-scale cortical dynamics" // [PDF]
Current Opinion in Neurobiology [Review]
  - Shimaoka, Steinmetz, Harris, Carandini
"The impact of bilateral ongoing activity on evoked responses in mouse cortex" // [PDF]
  - Okun, Steinmetz, Lak, Dervinis, Harris
"Distinct structure of cortical population activity on fast and infraslow timescales" // [PDF]
Cerebral Cortex
  - Pettine, Steinmetz, Moore
"Laminar Segregation of Sensory Coding and Behavioral Readout in Macaque V4" // [PDF]
- Steinmetz, Koch, Harris, Carandini
"Challenges and opportunities for large-scale electrophysiology with Neuropixels probes" // [PDF]
Current Opinion in Neurobiology [Review]
- Jun*, Steinmetz*, Siegle*, Denman*, Bauza*, Barbarits*, Lee*, ..., Harris
"Fully Integrated Silicon Probes for High-Density Recording of Neural Activity" // [PDF]
  - Burgess*, Lak*, Steinmetz*, Zatka-Haas*, et al.
"High-Yield Methods for Accurate Two-Alternative Visual Psychophysics in Head-Fixed Mice" // [PDF]
Cell Reports
  - Steinmetz, Buetfering, Lecoq, Lee, et al.
"Aberrant Cortical Activity in Multiple GCaMP6-Expressing Transgenic Mouse Lines" // [PDF]
- Engel*, Steinmetz*, Gieselmann, Thiele, Moore, Boahen
"Selective modulation of cortical state during spatial attention" // [PDF]
  - Stringer, Pachitariu, Steinmetz, Okun, Bartho, Harris, Sahani, Lesica
"Inhibitory control of correlated intrinsic variability in cortical networks" // [PDF]
  - Pachitariu, Steinmetz, Kadir, Carandini, Harris
"Fast and accurate spike sorting of high-channel count probes with KiloSort" // [PDF]
- Okun, Steinmetz, ..., Carandini, Harris
"Diverse coupling of neurons to populations in sensory cortex" // [PDF]
- Steinmetz, Moore
"Eye Movement Preparation Modulates Neuronal Responses in Area V4 When Dissociated from Attentional Demands" // [PDF]
  - Zirnsak, Steinmetz, Noudoost, Xu, Moore
"Visual space is compressed in prefrontal cortex before eye movements" // [PDF]
- Steinmetz, Moore
"Changes in the Response Rate and Response Variability of Area V4 Neurons During the Preparation of Saccadic Eye Movements" // [PDF]
Journal of Neurophysiology